Sculptra ®
Sculptra contains poly-L-lactic acid, a biocompatible molecule, which helps to stimulate a gradual building of one’s own collagen. It is indicated for the correction of shallow to deep nasolabial folds (smile lines) and other facial wrinkles.
It works gradually to replace collagen that is lost during the aging process.
We recommend two-to-three injection sessions, spaced four-to-six weeks apart. The results are gradual and subtle, continuing to improve for approximately three months after your treatment.

What Should I to Expect During The Treatment?
Most patients find the procedure very tolerable, but there is some minor discomfort with the first injection. There is anesthetic in the treatment so your skin will numb as the procedure proceeds. To minimize discomfort, we recommend you arrive 30 minutes prior to your scheduled appointment time to have a topical anaesthetic applied. Your face may feel numb for one-to-two hours after the treatment.
Are There Side Effects To the Treatment?
Patients may experience redness, bruising, bleeding, itching, swelling, and injection site discomfort. Less common side effects include small lumps that may sometimes be noticeable. Occasionally these lumps may occur several months after treatment and most resolve without treatment.
We recommend applying ice intermittently after the treatment to reduce swelling, which may last for up to 48 hours. Patients may resume normal activities after receiving treatment, and may apply makeup to conceal any bruising or redness.
You may experience mild puffiness for up to two weeks and then the area will look very similar to the way it appeared pretreatment. At week four, most people will start to develop new collagen and the results will very gradually improve over three months.
What Should I Expect Post Treatment?
Post treatment patients are instructed to massage the area five times per day for five minutes a day with a gentle moisturizer for five days. Consistent massage will help stimulate a more even layer of collagen and reduce the risk of nodule formation.
Patients who have a known allergy to any ingredient of the product or have a history of keloid formation or hypertrophic scarring should not use Sculptra.