I Tried Kybella to Get Rid of My Double Chin

I Tried Kybella to Get Rid of My Double Chin

Kybella Double Chin

Most areas of the body can be slimmed and sculpted through a clean diet and fitness regimen. However, submental fat under the chin can be especially stubborn and often persist despite our best efforts.

If a genetically-predisposed double chin is making you look heavier and older that you actually are, Kybella may be just the answer.

While some may opt to freeze the fat under their chin, Kybella is a cosmetic injectable treatment that has seen great results.

The non-invasive, non-surgical injectable treatment can be performed over your lunchbreak to banish localized fat pockets.

So, what’s it like to try Kybella to get rid of your double chin?  Here’s what you need to know before, during, and after the procedure.

Kybella – What Do You Need to Know Before the Treatment?

Kybella is an FDA-approved, non-surgical treatment that destroys and eliminates submental fat aka a double chin.

It’s comprised of a synthetic form of deoxycholic acid, a substance that the body naturally produces to breakdown dietary fat, and is an excellent alternative to liposuction.

What Happens During a Kybella Procedure?

A typical Kybella procedure takes as little as 20 minutes, and most people need a minimum of two sessions for optimal effects.

On the day of treatment, you will arrive at the office and a topical anesthetic will be applied under your chin. An ice pack will then be used to further numb the area.

Next, a grid-like tattoo is placed to designate the injection sites. Finally, Kybella is administered as series of small injections through the muscle to destroy diet and exercise resistant fat cells. These remnants are then cleared from the body via the lymphatic system.

Most individuals find this process to be very tolerable and liken it to a mild stinging or burning sensation.

Is There Any Downtime After Kybella?

Post-procedure, patients are free to resume all normal activities, though they may experience moderate swelling for several days, which gradually subsides. Therefore, it’s recommended to schedule your Kybella treatment when you are able to have some social downtime.

How Quickly Can You See Results? How Many Sessions are Needed?

After the first treatment, many individuals see noticeable reduction in their double chin, increased definition in their jawline, and slimming of their neck. However, additional sessions spaced five weeks apart are usually required for peak results.

If you are considering Kybella to eliminate your double chin, please contact GlamDerm today to schedule a consultation with one of our highly-skilled and talented injectors.

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